Kick Start your Lymphatic system
Discover easy to do exercises that empower your immune system, flush out your lymph nodes, and balance your energy and emotions.
Enroll in Course HereThese 6 Online Yoga Classes Protect and Restore the Function of Your Lymphatic System
Discover easy to do exercises that empower your immune system, flush out your lymph nodes, and balance your energy and emotions.
Kick Start your Lymphatic System today
Stop feeling fatigued, sluggish, and unfocused.
If you’re often tired and suffer from persistent aches and pains, swollen limbs, and bloated bellies, then you may want to keep on reading, because there’s a good chance your lymphatic system is trying to tell you something.
Your lymphatic system is an often underrated network of capillaries which have the purpose of ridding your body of excess fluids and waste products.
Often overworked and under-appreciated its job is to keep you feeling clear, light, and focused. And normally this happens without you needing to do anything special.
But there’s a problem.
Modern society and daily life has got us sitting down way too much. Our sedentary life is wreaking havoc on our bodies and minds, and our lymphatic system can’t keep doing its work because we’re not letting it.
The bad news is that blockages from stress, skin trauma, shallow breathing, lack of movement weaken your immune system and make you more vulnerable for lymphoma and other nasties.
And unlike your circulatory system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have its own ‘pump’ to flush out the fluids and excess waste. The only way for those fluids to move through your body is through movement.
But that’s where the problem lies…
We’re not moving nearly enough and more often than not we’re not moving in the right way, to let our lymphatic system do its work properly.
By sitting and lying still, gravity pulls the fluids and waste in our bodies downwards where they collect and grow stagnant. This results in aches and pains, swollen arms and legs, bloated stomachs, headaches and a weakened immune-system.
Not to mention that heavy sluggish feeling and lack of energy that never really seems to go away completely, even after a good night’s sleep.
But wait...There's Good News
The good news is that all of this can be easily remedied!
The wonderful thing about the lymphatic system is that it doesn’t need much to get back on track. You don’t need to spend hours in the gym or force yourself into holding uncomfortable poses for minutes on end.
In fact, with the lymphatic system, less is more.
You just need to do just enough to get the system flowing on it’s own again with movements that anyone can do regardless of fitness level, yoga experience or even flexibility!
There’s no feeling sore the day after or needing a week to recover from the exercise. Instead you’ll find yourself recovering more quickly, feeling lighter and more energised, and you’ll find it’s easier for you to concentrate and stay focused.
- Gunilla Hector
Get started now!
“An empowered lymphatic system gives you the feeling you can do anything! But a drained lymphatic system makes it seem like everything is just out of your reach.”
So what is the Lymphatic system?
The lymphatic system is a massive network of fluid, known as Lymph, along with over 500 glands, vessels, and organs that give your body a way to get rid of its waste products.
A well flowing lymphatic system is able to remove toxins, dead cells, and even cancer cells. Most bacteria and viruses are detected and destroyed well before the body becomes sick from them.
Unfortunately the body doesn’t have a pump to naturally rid the body of this waste, so it actually relies on your activeness to get the fluids to move through the system.
If you lack this physical movement these fluids just sit and accumulate, which will cause swelling throughout your body. This swelling in turn slows things down even more and makes you more vulnerable to fatigue, illness, and slower recovery.
Common places for this swelling is in the arms and legs. Not to forget the bloated belly we’ve all had to deal with all too often.
"When the lymphatic system is working properly our immune system is stronger, we feel lighter, we will be more energised, and relaxed”
The Many Causes of a slowed Lymphatic system
Unfortunately your lymphatic system can become unbalanced due to multiple factors both in and outside of your control, such as:
- Injury where scar tissue accumulates
- Surgery
- Skin infections
- Tumors
- Radiation therapy
- It can be hereditary
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Stress
If you don’t take care of your lymphatic system, it can’t take care of you!
Your lymphatic system NEEDS you to enable it to do its work. I believe the body has an innate intelligence. It doesn’t require you to mentally keep your heart beating just the right way. It’s known that since before you were born.
But your body does need you to provide it with what it needs to perform optimally.
And in order to work properly, your lymphatic system literally needs you to MOVE your body.
Inactivity is one of the best ways to slow down your lymphatic system and make you more vulnerable to the health challenges stated below.
You might be thinking, “well, I walk a few kilometers each day”, or ,”I bike to work”, or even better, “I hit the gym hard every day for two hours, I’m getting enough movement.”
Well, actually, when you’re ‘hitting the gym hard’, you are in reality introducing more stress into the body. I encourage everyone to bike to work when possible or to go outside, be in nature and take a good long walk.
And while that’s a good start, kick starting and maintaining a healthy optimally functioning lymphatic system is best done through gently challenging movements, poses, and breathing techniques.
You’ll work up a good sweat but you won’t be collapsing on the floor afterwards. In fact, you’ll feel lighter in your body and your mind will be clear. Instead of feeling exhausted, you’ll feel like you just freed up a bunch of energy in your body, that you didn’t know you had.
What else can you expect, if you finally allowed your body to flush out excess fluids and waste?
“For you to be in the flow, your lymphatic system has to flow”
Flow comes from movement and leads to growth.
But when the body is inactive, it slows and falls into disrepair. Your lymph system gets a bit forgotten and it actually surrounds our entire bodies.
When there are blockages in our lymphatic system you will notice it in the form of a heavy feeling and a swelling in your body, especially around your arms and legs and even around your stomach, hips, neck and face.
A stop in the lymphatic system often gives the feeling of pain throughout the entire body and even restless legs. Blockages result in a build-up of fluid and fat in these areas from a reducing effect of the bodies natural ability to eliminate these.
But before long it can lead to….
- Chronic fatigue
- Excess weight or cellulite
- Increased stress
- Headaches
- Sinus infections
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Digestive disorders
- Arthritis
- Skin conditions
An optimally performing lymphatic system makes your body more resilient and it makes it easier for your body to recover and heal itself.
And that is why I’ve created a yoga practice dedicated to kick starting and maintaining a healthy, happy, and helpful lymphatic system.
It’s called: “The Lymphatic Kick Start Yoga Course”
It contains 5 easy to follow classes that are suitable for everyone, ranging from beginners to advanced yoga practitioners. You don’t need to be flexible or fit. All you have to do is follow along as I guide you through a series of movements and positions that promote flow in body and mind.
The exercises will energize you and make you feel stronger and lighter. You’ll be free of that heavy sluggish feeling, and instead you’ll experience more clarity of mind, and return to your natural easeful levels of being.
The course gives your whole lymphatic system a kick-start and helps it support the body's natural ability to cleanse itself, and do what it was already knows to do.
So, what do you get in the course?
To start, I’ll give you a run down of how you can use this course. I know we all come from different levels of fitness, flexibility or experience, so we’ll begin the course by explaining how you can adapt the positions to suit your capabilities.
Kick Start Your Lymphatic System has 4+ hours of active classes that are specifically targeted to increase your lymphatic flow. But it’s so much more than just a lymphatic yoga practice, because I’ll also be teaching you all kinds of interesting and useful information about how your lymphatic system works and what it needs to perform at optimum levels.
And as usual I’ll give you many tools along the way to make your daily practice sustainable.
I’ve also added a progress tracker for if you want to follow your improvements. This is designed to let you feel into the transformations that are happening in your body and to witness your growth over time.
Last but definitely not least, I’ve added a BONUS SECTION which includes a guided breathing meditation that helps you unwind, relax and destress after a long day.
I’ll also share a handy easy to do lymphatic self massage technique that you can quickly and easily do whenever you feel the need.
As the cherry on top, I’m also giving you one of my favourite deep breathing techniques that always helps me when I need to work through something or find my source of personal power.
Throughout the entire course you’ll find me there with you, guiding you through the process and giving you encouragement and the information you need to be able to successfully complete the course and most importantly... to Kick Start Your Lymphatic System!
So that you can get another step closer to living your fullest life!
Your Instructor
I’m a mother of two who basically fell into the world of yoga through not being able to train in the way I was always used to.
An insatiable curiosity for learning new things has always led me to doing course after course in many different areas, from personal training to massage, and for over a decade also within yoga.
Since a very young age I had a fascination surrounding the body and how it works, especially how we can get the most out of it.
And so, a once upon a time gym junkie turned into a yoga instructor that has gone through many changes.
After coming through the early years of having a family and all of what that entails, my body helped me understand that it wasn’t the gym I needed now, instead it was a slower mind-focused discipline that I needed, something to heal rather than tear.
One of the hardest parts for me was that I had always carried very strong ideas about what it meant to be healthy and fit, but my body wasn’t cooperating. I finally understood that I needed to train my body and mind more softly, to be able to nourishingly help myself heal from an aching body, the flu, and that depleted sensation of being so fragile that it felt as if someone was ripping me from the inside.
This is where yoga came into my life and I’ve never looked back.
Thanks to the many courses I had taken and the wise people around me, I started to open up my body more and more with every day that went by. Kundalini yoga, yin yoga, ayurveda, my guru’s, my husband and my children… are all a part of my healing journey.
They all helped me to start trusting myself and my body’s innate intelligence, and I rediscovered my purpose, and the importance of loving myself and others.
That is my foundation for a healthy life.
We all need someone but at the same time that someone is within us. We all have the love, the strength, the courage and joy inside of us, as long as we are willing to take the time to dare to scratch the surface and make some changes.
It’s so easy to forget about ourselves and so easy to make excuses…But life is here and now!!!
Thanks to all of this, my mantra has become “I'm living and loving life to the fullest!”
Start Now and Kick Start Your Lymphatic System Today!
I’ll never forget the first time I went running after starting my lymphatic yoga practice. Where before I felt heavy on the ground and had to mentally push myself, now my legs felt light as a feather.
Running felt more effortless than it ever had before. Even more satisfying was how clear I felt in my mind. That foggy feeling that usually clouded my focus had been lifted, and the skies were finally clear again!
Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference. As I said earlier, take care of your lymphatic system and it takes care of you!
It doesn’t matter where you’re at right now, I know this course can create a positive change in your life, where there’s more space for flow and ease.
I’ve been teaching variations of these classes for years but now is the first time I’ve carefully compiled them all into an online practice that you can do from the comfort of your own home.
Here’s the class curriculum so that you have an idea of what to expect.
No Monthly Fee
You have lifetime access to the course and bonus videos and there’s no subscription fee. It’s just a one time investment of $147.
I like to use the word investment because you get paid back in health dividends :)
So what are you investing in?
- More mental clarity and improved concentration
- Reduced swelling and bloating
- Feeling lighter in your body and mind
- Connecting more deeply with your breath
- Supporting your circulation and immune system
- More energy and vibrancy
- Feeling more rested and fit
- More ease and flow in your daily life
When I first started experiencing the benefits brought by this type of yoga practice, it felt as if I had finally found a way to let go of a heavy weight dragging me down.
Some of that weight was physical, like blockages, swelling, and constant aching.
And some of that weight was emotional, unresolved feelings, anxiety, stress.
With the knowledge, exercises and breathing techniques in this course, I liberated myself from this weight that I had carried with me for longer than I care to admit.
And I know "Kick Start Your Lymphatic System" can do the same for you. Click on the button below to get started today.
Get started now!
I can’t wait to hear your story!
I love helping my students and clients to feel into their body and rediscover their centre. And your experiences matter to me. Feel free to write to me about your experience with "Kick Start Your Lymphatic System" after you’ve completed the course!.
And because I want you to be able to try out the course RISK FREE, I’m offering you a 30-day Get Your Money Back Guarantee.
If you’re not satisfied with the course, just send me an email to let me know and I’ll fully refund your purchase.
That being said, I hope you enjoy taking the course as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it for you!
Lots of love,
Mari Hall
Lymphatic massage expert
Personal Trainer| Yoga Instructor
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